• info@ecommanagementco.com
  • +92 316 4442309


Ali Ahmad


Digital Marketing


June 2024

Digital Marketing

Project Overview: We teamed up with Ali Ahmad from 360 Accountants to manage their social media presence. Our services included handling their social media accounts, creating and managing ads, designing posts, creating and posting video content, and providing customer support.

Key Achievements:

  1. Social Media Handling: Managed Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn accounts.
  2. Ads Management: Created and optimized ads for better reach and engagement.
  3. Post Design and Posting: Designed and posted engaging content regularly.
  4. Video Content: Produced and posted high-quality video ads and content.
  5. Customer Support: Provided timely responses to customer inquiries.

Our efforts helped 360 Accountants increase their social media engagement, reach a wider audience, and improve customer interactions.